Как измерить диагональ кирпича?



Предложите способ измерения диагонали обыкновенного строительного кирпича с помощью одной лишь рулетки, который легко реализуется на практике. Постарайтесь при этом забыть о теореме Пифагора.


Нужно сложить кирпичи «лесенкой», после чего измерить расстояние, указанное на рисунке:


Tenho lido os posts do CA e noto que pouco mais de 50% dos leitores não concordam com a opinião dos esorrtcies, o que sugere uma abordagem menos tendenciosa e mais científica por parte do CA. A alguns anos não lia artigos aqui. Há algum tempo os leitores eram bem mais céticos aqui no CA.Acredito que deve-se ao fato do CA ao abordar um assunto, trate logo de achar uma forma de desmentir, e não de investigar. Talvez seria mais ético postar os dois lados da moeda, e deixar o leitor a seu critério.

So in the matter of four years it took YouTube to go from special director accounts that enabled videos to be longer than 10 minutes to 10 minutes being the maximum to 15 minutes. On top of that, just about every video website has ablolutesy no time limit to uploaded videos. So, thanks for trying, but let's hope that you guys can figure out thirty minutes before 2030. At least you guys listened to your ENTIRE community for once.

Excellent unensrtadd, I basically passed the onto the colleague who was doing some research in that. And this individual actually decided to buy me supper because I discovered it to get him have fun So well then, i’ll rephrase which usually.

Woot, I will ceianrtly put this to good use!

You have the monopoly on useful inarnmftioo-aren't monopolies illegal? ;)

So that's the case? Quite a retaelvion that is.

Oh abutlsoely a fantastic place!! Why don't u try climbing over the water tank if any. Its even more awesome, when u hear water rippling under u. Make sure u have proper ground.

Learning a ton from these neat aretlcis.

Brummer 0  0ich wusste gar nicht das vannitelstag – ein Tag der Sexual Extase ist. Wenn das so ist, dann habe ich das wieder in meinem Kalender! :thumb:

To think, I was coensufd a minute ago.

Ufff he llegado tan tarde que casi no puedo llegar al final de la lista, ja,ja y todo para poder decirte lo mismo que las 105 personas que tengo delante, jaja. Pues yo lo digo igual que me encantan estas magadalenas y que seguro que están pa chuparse los dedos.....y el ad.r.oo....guapísimo...nUn besazo guapa

I will be putting this dazlnizg insight to good use in no time.

Oct20 I agree with you Jemimah.We have to discipline ourselves to apply the lessos we learn so that we canproduce superior results.People say &#2de0;knowl82ge is power” but the truth is that it is only appliedknowledge generates power.

I can't hear aniynthg over the sound of how awesome this article is.

You are so awesome for helping me solve this mysytre.

10.03 Som jag sa "kanske inte hör till ät;&mequotn. Men tänkte att det var hyffsat passande. Och självklart sjunger jag med i de flesta låtarna men när någon låt ultras skapat för en vecka sen dras igång är det inte alltid så lätt att kunna hela texten och då ska dom inte gapa och peka. Det jag vill få fram är att ultras bör ändra sin attityd mot andra blåvita på läktaren..

Absolutely first rate and coredp-bottompe, gentlemen!

Plaiseng to find someone who can think like that

Good point. I hadn't thghuot about it quite that way. :)

If only there were more clveer people like you!

Way to go on this esyas, helped a ton.

A perfect reply! Thanks for taking the treublo.

I've been loionkg for a post like this forever (and a day)

It's spooky how clever some ppl are. Thsnka!

Thanks for spending time on the computer (wrgiint) so others don't have to.

Wow! Great to find a post knnocikg my socks off!

Thniikng like that is really amazing

Is that really all there is to it because that'd be flggnerbastiba.

Great post with lots of imonrtapt stuff.

Hats off to whveeor wrote this up and posted it.


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